10 Things You Didn't Know about The Kokoni (2025)

10 Things You Didn't Know about The Kokoni (1)

A wide range of people have established a wide range of dog breeds. However, there is still enormous interest in creating dog breeds, as shown by the new dog breeds that are still being brought into existence.

One excellent example would be the Kokoni, which has been recognized by the Greek Kennel Club for some time but remains to be recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. Here are 10 things that you may or may not have known about the Kokoni:

1. Sometimes Called Small Greek Domestic Dog

Sometimes, interested individuals will see the Kokoni being called the Small Greek Domestic Dog. Said name might not be very stylish-sounding. However, it makes up for that to some extent with its informativeness.

Simply put, the Kokoni is indeed a smaller dog of Greek origins that can do very well as a household companion. In any case, it is also worth mentioning that Kokoni comes from the Greek for “little dog,” which explains much about this alternate name.

2. Came Into Existence in Recent Times

It needs to be emphasized that the Kokoni came into existence in recent times. To be exact, it received recognition in 2004, meaning that there remains much to be uncovered. Generally speaking, purebred dogs are very predictable because of the sustained effort into making them so.

Interested individuals shouldn’t expect the same degree of standardization for the Kokoni because there hasn’t been enough time. Still, the dog breed is definitely moving towards that direction.

3. Recognized By the Greek Kennel Club

Kennel clubs are organizations that concern themselves with the breeding, the showing, as well as other topics involving multiple dog breeds. Naturally, this means that each country has its own kennel clubs, which are focused on dogs as well as dog breeds in said locale. Simultaneously, there are also international organizations that serve to connect and coordinate the kennel clubs of multiple countries.

Currently, the Kokoni has been recognized by the Greek Kennel Club. However, it is critical to note that it hasn’t been recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, which is a leading international organization on such topics.

4. Standardization of Landrace Dogs

The Kokoni is a new dog breed. However, one can make the argument that it isn’t a new dog depending on how one views such things. This is because the Kokoni is the standardization of Greek landrace dogs.

Landrace refers to traditional varieties of domesticated species that weren’t deliberately bred into existence but instead developed over time through gradual adaptation to the particular circumstances of a particular place. In any case, standardization of landrace dogs is actually a relatively common way for dog breeds to come into existence.

5. Ancient Roots

Thanks to this, it can be said that the Kokoni has ancient roots. Indeed, there are depictions of dogs on ancient Greek coins, vases, and other artifacts that look a lot like the Kokoni, though it would be too simplistic to say that there is a direct line of descent from the ancient dogs to these modern dogs. On a semi-related note, it is interesting to note that dogs have been a common sight in Greece since Neolithic times.

In contrast, cats took longer to establish themselves in the region, which makes it somewhat easier to trace how they did so using the limited evidence that has managed to make its way to us.

6. Fair Amount of Variation

It is interesting to note that the Kokoni possesses a fair amount of variation when it comes to certain visual characteristics. For example, there aren’t strict requirements on either the color or the pattern of their coat. As a result, interested individuals can choose from a remarkable variety in this regard so long as they are willing to put in the effort needed to search. Similarly, the Kokoni can have everything from a straight coat to a slightly wavy or wavy coat.

7. Multi-Purpose Dogs

Pet dogs have existed since ancient times. However, they were much rarer in the past than in the present, which makes sense because the overwhelming majority of people in the past were just one or two disasters away from starvation.

Due to that, they couldn’t have afforded to keep dogs that didn’t do anything besides being household companions, which is why most dogs performed some kind of work. For instance, the ancestors of the Kokoni were sometimes used as hunting dogs. They couldn’t take on anything of great size. However, it was common for smaller hunting dogs to be used against smaller prey.

8. Might Be Used As a Watchdog

On a related note, the Kokoni is sometimes used as a watchdog as well. The dog breed is supposed to have a loud, powerful bark in spite of its small size. However, it doesn’t bark too much, meaning that it can keep a watchful eye out without being too much of a nuisance.

9. Pleasant Dogs

Some dog breeds have very pleasant natures. In contrast, others are much less so, particularly when they have been bred to be something other than agreeable with everyone.

The Kokoni is closer to the former than to the latter. Generally speaking, they are supposed to be good-natured dogs that get along well with humans. However, these dogs can be protective of their humans, which is something that can lead to possessiveness as well.

Of course, interested individuals should be careful when letting the Kokoni interact with younger, rowdier children, not because of the Kokoni’s potent threat to the latter but the other way around because of these dogs’ small size.

Be warned that this dog breed might not get along with smaller animals. They aren’t a threat to something like, say, a cat because of their small size, but there are reports of them retaining predatorial instincts, which can be an issue when they run into something rodent-sized.

10. Need Stimulation

While the Kokoni isn’t excessively energetic, it isn’t sluggish either. As such, these dogs need regular stimulation for both their minds and their bodies. This means exercise. Furthermore, this means plenty of playtime to keep them both happy and healthy.

Photo via Instagram

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10 Things You Didn't Know about The Kokoni (2025)
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