Natural history quiz (2024)

"Quiz" redirects here. For the random event NPC, see Quiz master.

The natural history quiz is the basem*nt section of the Varrock Museum miniquest. It consists of 14 creature displays in which the player must answer 3 questions correctly in order to earn 2 kudos each for a total of 28.

Each of the rooms has a Natural historian who will give a lecture about each creature for which the quiz is based on.

To start the quiz, speak to Orlando Smith, who is located on the basem*nt floor in the centre of the room. Click on the plaque in front of a display to get a question. After answering 3 questions correctly, the quiz questions are replaced by the common name and scientific name of the animal.

Most of the answers are straightforward, and as you only need to get three correct a good approach is simply to have a go at the quiz. However all the answers are contained in the Natural historians' lectures and the sections of this article.

Orlando's message:

  • Correct: Nice job, mate. That looks about right.
  • Wrong: Hmm, I don't think that's right, mate. Try again.
  • Finished: Bonza, mate! I think that's all of them.
    • Note: After finishing the quiz for each display, the questions will no longer be available.
  • "This looks like some sort of quiz. I wonder if I can take part..." Getting this message means the player needs to talk to Orlando first.

Once all questions are complete, speak to Orlando again to receive 1000 XP in both Hunter and Slayer. If this is the first Slayer experience you have received, you won't receive a free enchanted gem from the Slayer masters during your first assignment and will need to pay one coin for it instead.



  • Alfred Grimhand's Barcrawl
  • Architectural Alliance (removed)
  • Barbarian Training
  • Bear Your Soul
  • Curse of the Empty Lord
  • Daddy's Home
  • The Enchanted Key
  • Enter the Abyss
  • Family Pest
  • The Frozen Door
  • The General's Shadow
  • His Faithful Servants
  • Hopespear's Will
  • In Search of Knowledge
  • Into the Tombs
  • Lair of Tarn Razorlor
  • Mage Arena I
  • Mage Arena II
  • Skippy and the Mogres
Unofficial miniquests
  • Tutorial Island
  • Natural History Quiz
  • Restoring the Sacred Bone Burner
  • Knight Waves Training Grounds
  • Rogue Trader
  • Obtaining the ancient key


  • 1 North room
    • 1.1 Lizard
    • 1.2 Battle tortoise
    • 1.3 Dragon
    • 1.4 Wyvern
  • 2 East room
    • 2.1 Snail
    • 2.2 Snake
    • 2.3 Sea slug
    • 2.4 Monkey
  • 3 South room
    • 3.1 Kalphite Queen
    • 3.2 Terrorbird
  • 4 West room
    • 4.1 Penguin
    • 4.2 Mole
    • 4.3 Camel
    • 4.4 Leech

North room[edit | edit source]

Lizard[edit | edit source]

Lacertilia Giganteus, Latin for "Giant lizard" Display number 4

How does a lizard regulate body heat?
  • Chilli sauce
  • Fire
  • Sunlight Natural history quiz (20)
Who discovered how to kill lizards?
  • Admiral Bake
  • The Slayer Masters Natural history quiz (21)
  • The Wise Old Man
How many eyes does a lizard have?
  • Two
  • Three Natural history quiz (22)
  • Six
What order do lizards belong to?
  • Mammal
  • Squamata Natural history quiz (23)
  • Insecta
What happens when a lizard becomes cold?
  • It becomes sleepy Natural history quiz (24)
  • It becomes aggressive
  • It explodes
Lizard skin is made of the same substance as?
  • Hair Natural history quiz (25)
  • Bone
  • Wood

Battle tortoise[edit | edit source]

Testudines Giganteus, Latin for "Giant tortoise" Display number 3

What is the name of the oldest tortoise ever recorded?
  • Healthorg
  • Mibbiwocket Natural history quiz (26)
  • Snooku*ms
What is a tortoise's favourite food?
  • Sharks
  • Kebabs
  • Vegetables Natural history quiz (27)
Name the explorer who discovered the world's oldest tortoise.
  • Admiral Bake Natural history quiz (28)
  • Captain Cook
  • Ensign Chef
How does the tortoise protect itself?
  • Thick skin
  • Magic
  • Hard shell Natural history quiz (29)
If a tortoise had twenty rings on its shell, how old would it be?
  • Ten years
  • Twenty years Natural history quiz (30)
  • Sixty years
Which race breeds tortoises for battle?
  • Gnomes Natural history quiz (31)
  • Orks
  • Elves

Dragon[edit | edit source]

"Draconis Rex", Latin for "king dragon" Display number 1

What is considered a delicacy by dragons?
  • Adventurers
  • Runite Natural history quiz (32)
  • Cheese
What is the best defence against a dragon's attack?
  • Anti-dragon-breath shield Natural history quiz (33)
  • Rune plate
  • Cats
How long do dragons live?
  • Fifty years
  • Forever
  • Unknown Natural history quiz (34)
Which of these is not a type of dragon?
  • Coloured
  • Elemental Natural history quiz (35)
  • Ferrous
What is the favoured territory of a dragon?
  • Swamps
  • Old battle sites Natural history quiz (36)
  • Lumbridge Castle
Approximately how many feet tall do dragons stand?
  • Twelve Natural history quiz (37)
  • Six
  • Ten

Wyvern[edit | edit source]

Draconis Ossis, Latin for "bone dragon" Display number 2

How did the wyverns die out?
  • Climate change Natural history quiz (38)
  • Disease
  • Marauding adventurers
How many legs does a wyvern have?
  • Two Natural history quiz (39)
  • Five
  • Six
Where have wyvern bones been found?
  • Ape Atoll
  • Al Kharid
  • Asgarnia Natural history quiz (40)
Which genus does the wyvern theoretically belong to?
  • Invertebrates
  • Reptiles Natural history quiz (41)
  • Mammals
What are the wyverns' closest relations?
  • Lizards
  • Snakes
  • Dragons Natural history quiz (42)
What is the ambient temperature of wyvern bones?
  • Room temperature
  • Below room temperature Natural history quiz (43)
  • Above room temperature

East room[edit | edit source]

Snail[edit | edit source]

Giant Snail (Achatina Acidia Giganteus), Latin for "giant acid snail" Display number 14

What is special about the shell of the giant Morytanian snail?
  • It glows in the dark
  • It is very tasty
  • It is resistant to acid Natural history quiz (44)
How do Morytanian snails capture their prey?
  • Aggressive marketing
  • Spitting acid Natural history quiz (45)
  • Hex them until they glow
Which of these is a snail byproduct?
  • Fireproof oil Natural history quiz (46)
  • A musical instrument
  • Snail-a-cola
What does 'Achatina Acidia' mean?
  • Giant acid-spitting snail
  • Acid-spitting snail Natural history quiz (47)
  • Giant cheese-spitting snail
How do snails move?
  • Flapping their wings
  • Contracting and stretching Natural history quiz (48)
  • Hopping about
What is the 'trapdoor', which snails use to cover the entrance to their shells called?
  • An operculum Natural history quiz (49)
  • A caldarium
  • A tavernium

Snake[edit | edit source]

Serpentes Fellis, Latin for 'serpent gallbladder' Display number 13

What is snake venom adapted from?
  • Ear wax
  • Stomach acid Natural history quiz (50)
  • Saliva
Aside from their noses, what do snakes use to smell?
  • Tongue Natural history quiz (51)
  • Eyes
  • Ears
If a snake sticks its tongue out at you, what is it doing?
  • Being rude
  • Seeing how you taste
  • Seeing how you smell Natural history quiz (52)
If some snakes use venom to kill their prey, what do other snakes use?
  • Fire
  • Constriction Natural history quiz (53)
  • Magic
Lizards and snakes belong to the same order - what is it?
  • Squamata Natural history quiz (54)
  • Insecta
  • Sarcopterghii
Which habitat do snakes prefer?
  • The desert
  • The ocean
  • Anywhere Natural history quiz (55)

Sea slug[edit | edit source]

Opisthobranchia Alucinor, literally "Behind gill dream" Display number 12

We assume that sea slugs have a stinging organ on their soft skin - what is it called?
  • Nematocysts Natural history quiz (56)
  • Hematocysts
  • Pematocysts
Why has the museum never examined a live sea slug?
  • The sea slugs are shy
  • The researchers keep vanishing Natural history quiz (57)
  • Sea slugs are extinct
What do we think the sea slug feeds upon?
  • Blood
  • Seaweed Natural history quiz (58)
  • Insects
What are the two fangs presumed to be used for?
  • Defence or display Natural history quiz (59)
  • Attacking prey
  • Latching on to objects
Off of which coastline would you find sea slugs?
  • Karamja
  • Miscellania
  • Ardougne Natural history quiz (60)
In what way are sea slugs similar to snails?
  • They eat lettuce
  • They move very slowly
  • They have a hard shell Natural history quiz (61)

Monkey[edit | edit source]

Simiiformes Karamjan, Latin for "Karamjan primate" Display number 11

Which type of primates do monkeys belong to?
  • Simian Natural history quiz (62)
  • Hominid
  • Lagomorpha
Which have the lighter colour: Karamjan or Harmless monkeys?
  • They are the same
  • Karamjan
  • Harmless Natural history quiz (63)
Monkeys love bananas. What else do they like to eat?
  • Chili
  • Seaweed
  • Bitternuts Natural history quiz (64)
There are two known families of monkeys. One is Karamjan, the other is...?
  • Pointless
  • Harmless Natural history quiz (65)
  • Hairless
What colour mohawk do Karamjan monkeys have?
  • Red Natural history quiz (66)
  • Blue
  • Green
What have Karamjan monkeys taken a deep dislike to?
  • Seaweed Natural history quiz (67)
  • Chili
  • Taxes

South room[edit | edit source]

Kalphite Queen[edit | edit source]

Kalphiscarabeinae Pasha, Latin for 'kalphite-scarab', 'Pasha' is an Ottoman rank corresponding to 'Lord' Display number 10

Kalphites are ruled by a...?
  • King
  • Pasha Natural history quiz (68)
  • Caliph
What is the lowest caste in kalphite society?
  • Prince
  • Soldier
  • Worker Natural history quiz (69)
What are the armoured plates on a kalphite called?
  • Hauberk
  • Lamellae Natural history quiz (70)
  • Shield
Are kalphites carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores?
  • Omnivores
  • Herbivores
  • Carnivores Natural history quiz (71)
What are kalphites assumed to have evolved from?
  • Scarab beetles Natural history quiz (72)
  • Penguins
  • Dragons
Name the prominent figure in kalphite mythology?
  • Postie Pete
  • Scabaras Natural history quiz (73)
  • Jorral the Historian

Terrorbird[edit | edit source]

Aves Terror literally 'Bird terror', correctly translated as Aves Formidonis Display number 9

What is a terrorbird's preferred food?
  • Anything Natural history quiz (74)
  • Pizza
  • Vegetables
Who use terrorbirds as mounts?
  • Dwarves
  • Gnomes Natural history quiz (75)
  • Goblins
Where do terrorbirds get most of their water?
  • Streams and rivers
  • Licking trees
  • Eating plants Natural history quiz (76)
How many claws do terrorbirds have?
  • Two
  • Four Natural history quiz (77)
  • Six
What do terrorbirds eat to aid digestion?
  • Blurite
  • Stones Natural history quiz (78)
  • Paper
How many teeth do terrorbirds have?
  • 28
  • 14
  • 0 Natural history quiz (79)

West room[edit | edit source]

Penguin[edit | edit source]

Spheniscidae Callidus, Latin for "Cunning Penguin" Display number 8

Which sense do penguins rely on when hunting?
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Sight Natural history quiz (80)
Which skill seems unusual for the penguins to possess?
  • Planning Natural history quiz (81)
  • Fishing
  • Sleeping
How do penguins keep warm?
  • A layer of fat Natural history quiz (82)
  • Vigorous exercise
  • Magic
What is the preferred climate for penguins?
  • Cold Natural history quiz (83)
  • Hot
  • Damp
Describe the behaviour of penguins?
  • Social Natural history quiz (84)
  • Asocial
  • Hive
When do penguins fast?
  • Just before dawn
  • During breeding Natural history quiz (85)
  • During the night

Mole[edit | edit source]

Giant Mole (Talpidae Wysonian, Latin for 'Mole of Wyson') Display number 7

What habitat do moles prefer?
  • Subterranean Natural history quiz (86)
  • Any
  • Subaquatic
Why are moles considered to be an agricultural pest?
  • They dig holes Natural history quiz (87)
  • They eat food meant for livestock
  • They attack farmers
Who discovered giant moles?
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien
  • Ak-Haranu
  • Wyson the Gardener Natural history quiz (88)
What would you call a group of young moles?
  • A litter
  • A mess
  • A labour Natural history quiz (89)
What is a mole's favourite food?
  • Insects and other invertebrates Natural history quiz (90)
  • Humans and gnomes
  • Seeds and plant roots
Which family do moles belong to?
  • The Malpidae family
  • The Talpidae family Natural history quiz (91)
  • The Falpidae family

Camel[edit | edit source]

Camelus Bactrian, (Latin for "Bactrian camel") Display number 6

What is produced by feeding chilli to a camel?
  • An irate camel
  • Toxic dung Natural history quiz (92)
  • An undead bactrian
If an ugthanki has one, how many does a bactrian have?
  • One
  • Two Natural history quiz (93)
  • Four
Camels:herbivore, carnivore or omnivore?
  • Herbivore
  • Carnivore
  • Omnivore Natural history quiz (94)
What is the usual mood for a camel?
  • Annoyed Natural history quiz (95)
  • Bemused
  • Cheerful
Where would you find an ugthanki?
  • Al Kharid Natural history quiz (96)
  • Morytania
  • Nowhere
Which camel byproduct is known to be very nutritious?
  • Milk Natural history quiz (97)
  • Dung
  • Meat

Leech[edit | edit source]

Giant Leech (Hirudinea Acidia, Latin for "Sharp") Display number 5

What is the favoured habitat of leeches?
  • Water Natural history quiz (98)
  • Desert
  • Trees
What shape is the inside of a leech's mouth?
  • Star-shaped
  • 'X'-shaped
  • 'Y'-shaped Natural history quiz (99)
Which of these is not eaten by leeches?
  • Meat
  • Apples Natural history quiz (100)
  • Blood
What contributed to the giant growth of Morytanian leeches?
  • Environment Natural history quiz (101)
  • Healthy living
  • Magic
What is special about the Morytanian leeches?
  • They sing
  • They attack by jumping Natural history quiz (102)
  • They have legs
How does a leech change when it feeds?
  • It turns blue
  • It starts singing
  • It doubles in size Natural history quiz (103)
Natural history quiz (2024)


Where to do natural history quiz osrs? ›

The natural history quiz is the basem*nt section of the Varrock Museum miniquest. It consists of 14 creature displays in which the player must answer 3 questions correctly in order to earn 2 kudos each for a total of 28.

What do terror birds eat in osrs? ›

What is a terrorbird's preferred food?Anything.
How many teeth do terrorbirds have?0.
Who use terrorbirds as mounts.Gnomes.
3 more rows

Who is the father of natural history? ›

One of the most eminent naturalists of his time, John Ray was also an influential philosopher and theologian. Ray is often referred to as the father of natural history in Britain. John Ray was born on November 29, 1627, in the village of Black Notley, Essex, England.

How old is natural history? ›

The Museum first opened its doors on 18 April 1881, but its origins stretch back to 1753 and the career of Sir Hans Sloane, a doctor and collector. Sloane travelled the world as a high society physician.

How to get 153 kudos? ›

The easiest way to obtain 153 kudos is by completing the natural history quiz. The quiz has no requirements and can be done on a fresh account too. The quiz is simple, you just have to answer questions about different creatures in the Gielinor. To start the quiz, talk to Orlando, located in the basem*nt of the museum.

How to get 50 kudos? ›

Cleaning finds. Visual map showing which valuable artefact goes into which case (all on the lowest floor). A total of 50 Kudos can be earned by cleaning finds from the Varrock Dig Site, found in the roped-off area of the museum (not at the dig site).

How to get kudos from fossils? ›

Five fossils of the same type are required to complete a corresponding display. Completing a display awards 2 kudos and an antique lamp that rewards either 2,000, 3,500 or 5,000 experience in a chosen skill. There are a total of 36 displays in this exhibit, which amounts to a total of 72 kudos and 120,000 experience.

Who uses terrorbirds as mounts? ›

A giant raptor. Terrorbirds (Aves Terror) are animals used by the gnomes as mounts. They are found on the west side of the Tree Gnome Stronghold. They are also involved in the Rag and Bone Man II quest, where the ones that don't have any gnomes mounted upon them will drop a special bone needed for the quest.

What do bird eggs do in Osrs? ›

These eggs can be offered to the shrine in the Woodcutting Guild to receive 100 Prayer experience and a Bird nest with seeds as a reward. There is a 1/300 chance of obtaining a piece of the evil chicken outfit when offering eggs, with each piece having a 1/1,200 chance individually.

What do kittens eat in Osrs? ›

Any raw or cooked fish that is not exclusively caught from Barbarian fishing, Aerial fishing, or the Ruins of Camdozaal can be used to feed a kitten.

How do you write a natural history note? ›

The Natural History Notes section is analogous to Geographic Distribution. Preferred notes should 1) focus on observations in the field, with little human intrusion; 2) represent more than the isolated documentation of developmental aberrations; and 3) possess a natural history perspective.

What does natural history include? ›

Defining Natural History

Today, natural history is a term that incorporates several scientific disciplines, mostly the study of living things, but sometimes including meteorology, paleontology, and geology.

What do you learn in natural history? ›

Natural History: The scientific study of animals, plants, minerals, and fungi, with a focus on observation rather than experimentation. Explore how different scientists have documented the natural world through art.

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Article information

Author: Mr. See Jast

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Views: 6252

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.