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Free Trial
- Publication:
- The Evansville Journali
- Location:
- Evansville, Indiana
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 5
Start Free Trial
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
EVANSVILLE JOURNAL-NEWS WEDNESD A APRIL IS 1MI i i 5 ir 'tt: -fit Greatly Reduced Frlf For This I 'a a it i During this special sale gains in all alaee of -Ruga from ha room slse Ruga Thesq apodal i -i- will offer eome phenomena ybgr-' the smallest ilse doorrmit 'il-lV prices will prevail during thla'wegk -1 -V i 'a only 1 Room Else Tapestry Brussels Ruga regular price $1910 Re-1 1025 19 fSSfSVIf ale Room Rise Tapestry Bruseele 1 Rugs regular price $14(0 Re- duoed for thle" vc 1 1 QQ 3 tale to 1 A iJO Room SlxeATapeatry Sruaeela Ruga regular pries $14B0 Re duoed for rihla E- i 1350 Bias Axmlnater Ruga facture-1 pofitrolfed by "trust and combinational that baVe'scjd Hi foreign-countries at lower prices than at poms building up 'their foftiga trade frtai $3159111 in 1890 fo id 1910 Bagging and baling material essential in the transportation of agricultural products 1 the report saya can not receive benefits of protection In home market and duties on them "have annoyed and burdened tha farmer to add to tha profits of exacting trusts and Concerning hoops bends and tlea of Iron and ateel barbed wire for fencing etc the report aaye the high duties make the people dependent upon the steel which for years ha sold products abroad lower than 1 to domeatlo consumers and declares that placing them on the free Hat will be long-delayed measure of equity and The placing on the free list of all forma of leather from cattle hides and kina together with boots shoes harness saddlery etc the committee argues will be of advantage In manufacturing and necessarily of benefit to agricultural producers aa well aa to all tha people -'f Assails Beef Trust Tha la assailed India cusslon of the free Hating of fresh meats and meat products S- tha existing duties on meats and meat products" it ta assarted for the advantage of this combination I a combination that I tha markets both in buying nnd selling and -tha result is a substantial addition to tha high coat of living from whlch Dis people Removal of duties on these products it is argued will place the farmers in a free market aa to'food stuffs and food products: For the reason that the Public desires no artificial shelter shall be maintained to protect abnormallyi high -prices on food article in any the MU also seeks exemption from duty on wheat flour aemllona 1 rye flour buckwheat flour corn meal and all i prepared cereal food biscuits bread and similar articles not jj- '4 1 "Bigelow Body Brussels foame full Ixll else regiWar price 19150 1- Reduced for thip tO ll Room Bias FI hr Rugs beautr ful new pet terns -very chok-i colorings two tlses: 'f- 11x101 wen $0k0j ireduced to (ILIA "reduced y-tp 1 -NjA -f- 'VtyV!" i Throe specials In Axmlnater specials Ruga all tha designs and colorings 10x30 11x71 Special Prices newest In Ie 498c $250 $350 A big apodal' In Jute Riigs lie else 17x54 regular Reduead for thia eale pries 39 spaa quality alia regular iV'Prlea (lUO Reduced yra mmv nsuuosa -for this oft i Kooni Blw Axmlnater Hun 1 full 9x11 all 'new patterns Tegular jorioi 1 (IS00 Rsduesd for this aalCi QO IIS' Ilf iiy-qtiA V9vW 1 ir a- i i i -is -j Jap Mattiflgo China Mattings New 3 At Our now spring complete and nnd up-to-date ande week FAMOUS Spring Mattings Special Prices forft City May 10th for upraise IntbJI Baltic jiea Thy fleet will stqp At the following gltleei Copenhagen Den-I mark Block helm Pwedurr -Revel fldVnliini RiimiIa and Gclntany? Alt' re erulta of the artificer clan that enlist within tha next few days will be enable to go on this trip Artificer clan consists of trained men such as blacksmiths coppersmiths and electricians i HOPE FOR 'PEACE (Continued from pint Page) formal rep present Benor do Zamaoona the new Mexican ambassador was officially pro- anted to tho president this afternoon Assistant Secretary ef State Chandler Halo mado tho Introduction Or Gomes Dent v1-' Dr Vasques Gomea head of the eon-i I fldentlal agency of the revolutlonleta I and Intermediary between the rebel forces in the field' and the Mexican I government refused today to dlaAiaa the poropoeed armistice Dr Gomel haa taken the attitude that the armistice: proposal in no 'way indicates that thol insurgents have relented in their de mands for reforms It was rumored here today that with 1 tha setting forth of definite proposals from tho revolutionists the possibility of an agreement -for the abdletlon of I President Dies within a certain period-eras not at all unlikely-tTbe proposals! It la known are to be received by the Mexican cabinet and laid before President Dlaa himself JO CONfER WITH TAFT House Committee Will Ask President I i About Situation WASHINGTON 'V April house committee on foreign affairs today appointed a sub-committee to eon-1 fer with President Taft and the see- rotary of atate aa to the situation on the Mexican border a The committee consists of Representative Garner of Texas Sharp of Ohio and Foster of Vermont To this commlttee were ref erred the' house resolutions on the subject of tha Mexican- rebellion One directs the committee On foreign affaire to Institute an Investigation and the other calls upon the president to supply the committee with Information CONGRATULATES TAFT Cleveland Cltisan Wires Daproeatlng Need of Intervention i i WASHINGTON April 19-The following telegram fro Cleveland: signed Who --Has Children In was received by President Taft today: blase you for your consideration of the thousands of American Uvea that would be In great danger through United States Intervention In Mexico at this time 1 VO-auRE OFJPEACE) '5 New Ambaasador Makee Predlotloii In t'A-' WASHINGTON' April 19-Pace In Mexico will soon be restored accord-lng to Benor Manuel do Zamocna the new ambassador of Mexico to United SUtee -who was prosen ted to President Taft The ambaeeador made thia prediction In a formal speech to the provident- In reply President Taft aid that tha people of the -United States hoped fervently that harmony would aoonr pnvalL INSURRECTOS ACTIVE -I- Bostonl Sewing- Machine i 9 r(J Une of Mattings la wonderfully' Includes an endless variety-of new patterns In all wanted colorings -Come aee the- special offerings for this' Before buying your Sewing Machine and pay-lng double the juice at tha agentie store corns la and look through our Una of Boston Sewing Machines- The beet machine on tha market all tha latest Improved etrlee and attachments vt- Each machine Is fully guaranteed for ten yean rangs in pries from Vl! yard 30c 25c 18c 15c 12c Matting Rngi size 9x12 spsdal at $3:50 $1250 up to $3000 Lumber a Monopoly In discussing freo lumber placed In tha bill hardwood excepted tho report maintains that tha ownership of timber in this country has become practically a monopoly and haa passed for the moat part Into the hands of great corporations and Interests which are speculating on the Increasing Preeldant Taft is again referred to tM report quoting from hla speech of February 1911 in which he said: giving our own people access td Canadian 'foraata- we shall reduct the consumption of -our own which In the hands of a comparatively few owners now have a- value that requires The enlargement: of our available timber -v Sewing machines the report avert are sold abroad by American manu-focturers cheaper than at home and should not be protected The manufacturers would have by tha proposed bill additional advantagaa of froe lumber- Balt also Included In the fires list the report urges should be free from artificial enhancement in price the domestic supply being dependent up on a limited natural deposition con trolled by concentrated Interests i But Mrs Gains Must Apologias to the Han She Ohaied WitlfaifAx A colored baby In pink silk a mother In 'team and a husband who wanted to go to Work and because the mother was behind bare-arrayed theme selves before City Judge Gould Wednesday and the court was reminded that hla wife had bought Christmas presents for the pink silk baby and that tha father had worked fer the court Tha mother la Mrs Mattie Gaines 94 Gordon avenue who when Fireman William Morris No 9 triad to quiet her down a bit Tuesday night chased the fireman a Mock- with an axe Tha court released tha woman on her promise to apologise to Fireman Morris 7- 1 v-ulL th Rla Granda I thre are numerous rulings': The house used by divers perrons and -I -1 yard Zk? 35c 30c and V33VB3S3S3IM DANVILLE HL Aprll I Garner convicted 1 of the murder i Mrs Elalo Cochrans near this hit last October waa this morning' pen mg' fenced by Judge Kimbrough to perr ira lnt the penl twenty yean la? the penlumtlary Cheater Garner's attorneys -made motion for a new trii wss overruled It was a more Waffey of' form aa the convicfed irtitf he waa satisfied with n(eude'TTtieA -might haag-ma tha next Timfc haibdu4 Ha pllL ba taken to: Chcster-TBnroAay 'VrJ'- DANyjLLE IlL- April Xg isj practically certaui that the gtWhd Jwj will adjourn roine die today man Woodyard and former Foreman Goodwins went Into -court this morSt lng nnd secured an attaehfeeiijt -for Sheriff who had been subpoenaed hut who hae foiled te approf before the body-' After thb Subpqerid was Issued an effort wak madq find Coroner Cole to havo lb served but he could not be found nafthey the eheriff to be found 7- Tbe three politicians who were adb-Y poenaed yesterday to appear forthwith In connection with alleged rteutfembri-A bery committed during election did not put in their appear- ance this morning Thirty property owners treat between Law avqnpc Bond treat formerly a piano' tuner' will have to answer a double charge of contempt of court McCarthy filed suit for a divorce from his wife Nettle and loot: to her upon the same grounds that ho alleged in hie complaint cruel nnd inhuman treatment in the circuit court last weak He was ordered to pay a weakly allowance to hie wife for the support of their child besides paying the coats of the case' He foiled to do this and Tuesday an affidavit was filed against him by Attorney Walters He -was ordered to appear in court Wednesday to show cause why he had not complied with the court's orders Wednesday he failed to appear and he now faces a double charge of contempt- 4 "V-1 Emma Stott 5 formerty owner rof the park skating rink filed suit agalnet George Schultse Joseph Waltman nnd Allen Cody for $900 In tho circuit court Wednesday She alleges that the defendants add her property and converted tha -proceeds of the sale to their own use when the moneys should have been turned over to her' The- skating rink was ton down in February and tha Umber old to buildera'of tha city Part of tha lumbar from tha rink was put Into new homes on tha West Bide Footer A Wheeler are attorneys for the plain- 4 Vi- It -J Chief of the Indianapolle recruiting district" Comipander Charles Bui- lock and Examining Burgeon Raison will be In Evansville Friday afternoon at tha local station to exam-1 lne all applicants 'Commander -Bullock la tnulng a round of inspection of all sub-stations in hla district Ha roe from here to Owensboro Ky Commander Bullock Is one of the survivors of the Maine disaster of jltl DEMARWINS MARATHON BOBTpN'Aprn lL-rClannea Da-maif sOf Dorchester won' the flfteenth annual Marathon! raoeof the Boston Atbletlo" aasodatlon! today breaking the record by nearly two minutes Hla unofficial time waa 9:93:19 Demar wms aecond ln tha leal year tha atartlng theme id dashed across tha rall-bridge A mils from tha start with Alexia Ahlgren of New York and Stanley W' Root of Philadelphia running aide by aide In tha lead By the time- Natick' Canter nine miles from the Start waa reached Ahlgren was well' ahead fifteen yards In front of Maateraon The time was 44 minutes II seconds compared with Wei record of "minutes ll seconds Tha run up the alight Incline to Wellesley college told heavily on some of tha contestants but Ahlgren and Frank Maateraon of the Mohawk A New York kept In" front the former leading by thirty yards at Wellesley square twelve miles from the start The time here was 1 hour minutes 10 seconds compared with the record 'of 59 minutes 14 seconds by Welton In 1909 At the entrance to the Boulevard at Au-bumdale sixteen mllsa from-the start Madden of South Boston-pushed into the lead making the turn at 1 hour 17 minutes from the start compared with the record of 1 hour 31 minutes ll eoonde by Welton NAVY NEEDS ARTIFICERS: FOR THIS OVERSEA TRIP second division of the Atlantic fleet consisting of the ships New Hampshire Kansas Carolina will leave i New A i 4 FoTlCatarrh xUitti- Mcdldns rrcfl IQ ET6I7 Cam I Whew It FfiOs to Relieve p-i Neglect or pessimism' wo believe i -Vv "-w aiwiiirtiMro th! to contend with when applied to the loro or recovery of health Practically every case of consumption mlgh have been cured If hope had been maintained and proper treatment had been resorted to at tha first symptom of the disease' Until the advanced stage la reached consumption la cureabta Catarrh Is responsible we believe for I many cases of consumption It la about catarrh we want to talk to you today Incidentally consumption since the two are cloeely allied -We have a medldne made from a prescription of one of tha most sue-crosful catarrh specialists known We believe it Is positively without an quaL Wa an satisfied that we are right that we will supply the medicine free In every instance where It la used according to directions for a res aonable length of time ehould It fell to give satisfaction In every particular Wo want every me to try thia modi cine at our risk Then art no conditions attached to our offer We pat the user under no obligation to-us whatever- The medicine we want you to try la Rexall Mucu-Ton it eatarrh remedy that ease direct to -the east of trouble It la carried by the Mood to every part of tho eyeteiq It purifies up the 1 to every pert of the system It and enriches the blood font mucous cells and brings about a condition of health and strength that 1 SiL? ih? wrwigtlr tIwt ST Be- fle often is one I I V-1 'iWhlla no definite statement were made it was expected Wednesday that irt on the case of Dr Helt report of this city who resigned from the Indiana-Anti-saloon league because he could not longer subecrlbe to It meth ode will be a feature of the afternoon session of the Indiana Presbytery meeting now in session at the Walnut street church Dr -Halt's case was taken tip at Terre Haute last fall ana a committee of which Richard Mil burn of Jasper la chairman appointed to investigate and make recommendations Dr Kelt although actively out of the Presbyterian ministry for more than ten years still maintains his re latlons with the Presbytery "I have i no reason to believe that the report on Dr Kelt's case will be said Rev Padgett of this city The Presbytery organised Tuesday night by calling Rev Don Tullla to the moderatorshlp The retiring moderator Rev Ernest Hildner or PrlncetOn preached the Preabyterlal sermon which was followed by the administration of th communion before that the bread and wine being passed S' Revs A Hutchinson of Oakland ty and McKinney of BlcknelL The clerks of the Presbytery appoint i ed are Rev McKinney of Blck nell and Rev EL' A Arthur of Vincennes i In his sermon Mr Hildner showed that who loves leads and that the shepherd's Influence over the sheep of the flack is due to hi sympathy with them his actions showing that he is of them 'that only lie who enters in by the door? of the sheepfold "Is the shepherd- of the as was said by the Master Shepherd In the-v-admlaslons and dismissions of the-pastors to and from the Presbytery Rev' Morton Prather goes from Vincennes to Indianapolis Rev Charles Marts of this city who has been out -of the active pastoral tela tion for a while was given letter to the California Presbytery and will resume his ministerial labors in-Los Angeles Dr McCaughey who has been engaged in the educational work at Winona for some time was transferred from Terre Haute to Fort Wayne Rev Williams was received from Ewing I1L and ha been In charge of the church in Nawburg for the past Aaourn months Rev Joseph was received from Cairo X1L to take the charges in the Falrvlew district he being cousin of Thompson Aihburn formerly of the Jefferson Avenue church in this city and now pastor of the blggest of the churches that have not subscribed to the union the one in Knoxville Tenn Uraea Higher Salaries of tna One of tha moat Interesting reports In- many seaalona of the Presbytery was heard on Wednesday forenoon when Rev Dr Hymee read the findings of the home missions committee of which he la chairman Walter'J Lewis an elder In Grace Memorial la the secretary It went fully Into all of the difficulties of the emalter XhOrche Snd ended by making thirteen recommendations that were Adopted unanimously Ds Hymea said something must be done to pay workers ln tha mission church- field and in the smaller of the regular charges a larger salary saying It la aahame to expect men to do all I they are capable of on a' salary of (900 (700 which la all many of them get And he pleaded for action by the Pres-bytery that would Insure a parsonage 1 to every- mlnleter of the Church Hla committee has met all of Ita obligations la full at the end Pf- the second quarter of the church' year just finished But If eacn member of tha churches In the Presbytery had given the minimum contribution 50 cents to home missions the committee would have had aoma (800 more to work with and the need of that amount was considerable -This evening President Mackintosh of Wabash college will lecture on English an address that will be representative In Indiana Presbytery of the thecentenary of tha publishing of tho book that la known aa the King Jemee Bible) On Thursday afternoon Rev Ragle will address the Presbytery on tho work of tha anti-saloon league DEMOCRATS (Continued from First Page) purchase aa necessary to a us tain their Uvea and Industries' Balt Lower Abroad The report takes up in detail the classified list of article Included In tho free Hat MIL Regarding agrlcul- tursl Implements it aaya their manu- 0IX MiscnMe Won Out Stomach GeaatJ: Repaired and Mads as Good as Kcw in a Few Days Laugh my friends laugh and be merryi eat and drink of tha -good thlnga to your heart's content for re beUloua stomachs are now easily con quered 1 No longer wlU the gassy sour despotic stomach hold mlHlona of llaMils Isa Ida people in Ita merciless grasp For" a noble physician a man of groat Intellect and specialist In stomach diseases haa written splendid pro crlptlon' that absolutely win drive away atomach distress sourness gas eructations heaviness food fermentation and heartburn In five minutes TblS prescription has been named MX-OxNA ttle put up- in tablet form and -sold by Bomm Drug Ca and' Sehlaepfer and druggists everywhere for only 10 cento a large box-- 'a'' It la such a wonderful formula that ft la sold with a guarantee to end the moet chronlo case of Indigestion or money back This article regarding Mt-o-na atom tch tablets bring to every reader of the' Journal-News a message of health hpd'bapMaroa Ml-o-ns stomach-tablets are splendid for fllszlnesa biliousness nervousness frul-hreatli night sweats shortness of breath unpleasant tlrr-ims depiud ejicy blrming seusatloii languid feel Ingand for any ppset condition of the stomachT -Mail ofli-rs filled charges prepaid by ID'Omel CoL whq aFpr-maimciqtiire ibe rVpiV8eiliimr BL PASO authorities In today stopped vehicle traffic from El Paso to Juares but are still permitting passengers to enter Jueroi on street can or afoot News to the Herald from Guadalajara tells Of considerable Inaurrocto activity In the state of Zacetates In Fresnlllo tha rebels entered the -town and-- released 011 the prisoners In jalL Several federal -and inaurroetoa' were killed- At Nachlstlan the Insnrroetee took the nlaoe without opposition nnd ordered the musicians of the place to play an all day concert Eighteen hours after he applied for enlistment' In the 8 army Dewitt Ancker 10 Lower Second' street waa marrla dto Miss Loulae Kissinger by Justice Mnler Wednesday Tha bridegroom la a well known young attorney circus: train wrecked? Forepangh A Sella I clrcua train wee wracked near Vincennes early Wednesday afternoon I was followed by a request to the AT 'H1 offices In Evansvllel for the sidetracking of thlrty-nlen can of the clrcua at Vincennes until next Wednesday Tha can will arrive In Vint I cennes Wednesday night It la said the clrcua Came to grief near Mt Carmel III This will not affect In appearance In Evansville however Rufiiors that WORK PUTS FAT ON iCTHIS ARMY RECRUIT if1 i (f- -Ar 1 Hayer Wert Belem RL 31 oM who waa rejected for under- weight In January by the lodal army recruiting officers applied Wednesday and waa accepted He says that he made hie extra pounds by hard work Ha will be gent to Jefferson Barracks I Thursday 1 ANCKER JOINS THE ARMY Dewitt Ancker 10 Loweh Sec-I ond street a member of the local mill tla waa aecepted by tha a army I Wednesday and will be senttO Jefferson Barracke oon as hla die charge from Company can be ob toined-Ancker Is a graduate of the Evansville high school of the class of i I ENLIST IN THE ARMY 1 nc AnMT The following I WASHINGTON Aprjl lfc-KavIng expected an opposltlon speech -'from tenner Speaker Cannon aa tha opeplng of tha reciprocity fight- today the house of representatives today experienced a surprise when the first attack of the day came from a1 southern Democrat member V- Representative Gadger of Carolina characterised the Mil aa a Republican measure 7 He attacked hie colleague' -Mr Kltchln for hla epeedh -at Saturday declaring he -was march- buuiw uucianng h-vm marcu- The Iln' and South 1 Addle Woodhull aa the WoodhuU Ice Cream Company The Indictments say samples taken from shipments by the Indicted companies wen fullti of animal substance" and for human Tha government chemist reported 600009000 bacteria to approximately ono-elgbth of a cubic Inch of the cream JiS (Continued from First Pegs) accused' Abbatemasxlo will confess eem- plldty In the asaasslnation of Cuoccolo It Is said that be wlll swear that he was not one of those who struck the death blow ha witnessed the proceeding! In the role of a picket who was posted to warn- tha actual asm sal ns against Interruption and to help them In making their escape 1 Mf this leenfesskie Is made thw trial wlU be stopped as a new Inquiry into 'the feels of the qrhne will be ary 1 Holiday Refreshes Prisoners' 1 After' the -respite during Holy Week the band of shackled Ounorflats trooped Into the- court of tha Assises today and agaln-feced their aocuaem from within the stool bars of the cages -11 The holiday haa Improved the prisoners physlcelly and refroehed them hi spirit All of tha tblrty-slx were present except Bartoloel who suffered an epUeptio attack a month ato and la still confined to the prison hospital Tha prise Clro VI total was perhaps 1 tha moat cheerful of the lot today Aa he was led Into court'-bound but still wearing' his priestly garb- he -declared that during the Easter recess be had en- gaged in fervid religious exercises which had given him strength to endure every suffering Frlert In High Spirits VI he proclaimed guardian angel of the Camorra spiritually armored against everything and VI lawyer the proceedings today with a motion that tha court order tha production of tbe warrants for the arrest of bis client and of Giacomo Aaorlttoror who- "the state alleges entered Into a conspiracy to denounce Do AngeMe and Amadeo aa the murderers of Cuoocoloe la order to save tha real aa- milm -j President Blanchl said be thought the production of these warrants was unnecessary- The lawyer- however Insisted saying that he wished to demonstrate that the Carabineers bed been furnished with orders of arrest In which the date headline was left blank and were prepared to make use of the warrants on any occasion that served their purpose Tbe court rejected tbe motion V' Denies He la a Camerrlat Lulgt Fuccb who Is described aa the fictitious head of tho Camorrlata given a nominal -office In order to protect Enrico Altana the guiding spirit was called for Interrogation FuccI avsrrod that he waa neither the real nor the nominal head of tho organisation and further that hswaa not even a -Camorrlst y- "It would Indeed be most trangsv eald the prisoner 1f this eoctety ere te choose for Its leader a man Ilka' myself Why throughput my' lire have been oondemned Ibut ones and then to only two months Ih prison because -1 bad mixed Ins row- daring which I wee well Fucd then launched Into a dissertation bn tha honor pf hla family1 Like Aacritw ton he too had an octogenarian mother who waa "weeping hsr eyee cut over the plight of her beloved son my saldhe a holy -TO CHAMPION TYPIST TO i HIVE A DEMONSTRATION Blalawell champion type- 4 I I 'S Harry Blalawell: champion' writer of the world will be In Evansville Thursday and will give a demonstration at the Lockyear Business College at I o'clock In tha afternoon Blalawell IS In the employ of the Underwood Typewriter Company He haa held the world speed record for about one year The public Invited to waten hla demonstration Thursday afternoon ATTORNEYS TO DISCUSS LAW NEEDS A meeting of the lawyers of Evansvllel will be held at the court bouse Thursday -morning In the Interest of the court house law library The meeting wee called by County Clerk Guild Footer at the request of several members of tha Evansville bar who were desirous of rebinding the books in the library Tha hooka which have been need by the lawyers are In need of overhauling- 'iW SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Honey and Tar Compound Is 'lelne' for aafo and effective medicine' for cl dfett as It does not contain' opiates harmful dross The Foleyi Honey end Tar Compound la la a -ysj- taw packsjM v-- i- 1 r'Ji''i Maryland street have filed- -a rp'nn- trance to the 'conatiiiv'tioH of foe Maryland street sewer iHsident BG Rlckwood says the ramonf comes too late tiaed for to be opened April jrtl19 monetfojniee- a 4 --V- police do not seem to realise that one1 Sot of Immorality ln Shouse does not'' make If a house of 111 feme under tha said City Judge Gould Wednesday The-laiw la plain and contlnuouely to make a' conviction agalnet i tte occupant for keeping a bouse of 1U fame The eaee-afy Will1 colored who' with hla wife Ada' Is charged with keeping a house of bad name -at 111 East Nevada street was taken Under advisement by tke City Court Kate Wells and Walter Coplln caught In tha house were re leased on motion of the state In the nope that aa witnesses their testimony would1 make tha case against tha Anderson They said they had been to the house only once V- 4 CHICAGO April 19-Three Chicago ice -cream companies were Indicted by the United States grand Jury today charged with Shipping Impure cream Those indicted were: Thompron-Reld Ice Cream Company McBride' Brothers A Knobbe Ross A Woodhull and ladga Tells Men Go Bankrupt Msn In Varieue Stagea ef Phyaioal Weakness Lina Up at the Bar at Justice 1 "After all It Is not strange" aaye a Judge who has presided In many bankruptcy caeca ordinary type of bankrupt should be one who exhib 1 its in bis face and general oondltlon a 1 woeful lack Of strength mental eon duration and endurance They- 1 centration and endurance They all aeem to-be -bright but I believe the cause of failure in their 'Ufo work la lack of that vitality and combative nerve-strength which an 1 absolutely necessary to keep man up and go -'4 Nerves era an that make you wheth-a main- woman or child 1 ever known la without doubt Make- yii Tablets They aroalro a power- ful Mood purifier These little tablets are wonder-workers and absolutely I safe for men women and children Do you -foci In- are you de- epondent aw younervoue have you Kidney or Liver Trouble Insomnia 0 1 rheumatism If so you will never forget your first box-of Make-Man Tablets' Hake-Man' Tablets are rold at an Stores at 10 cents a box If you Co- Orme proprietor Fourth and Walnut streets 1 YonWi Burs New CARPET orRUG 1 ft- 1': A' JS- Vi V' HUS SPRING a In justice to youseelf we urge mi to call you to eau upon ua and taka advantage of the new bright patterns and low prices that await you TTE LEY! SEP2RTKEST STCEE 605 507509 uitou evenue te wesr to furnish the Wiome to' est" EatiWhaYora Lmp I Tte $l4 g1 iltlvely guarantee 1 1 box of 'digestive Tablet' Ton will' enjoy eating ploklteTtobswr fosaL ik iis fresh breed salads or th inert tadfr ffflltlhlA food WlfhlHtf a Sh geatibla food without foe slightest comfort! lng elds by aide-with the Republican leaden and that he had the motives of at least throe members of tbe North Carolina Democratic delegation who proposed to vote against the measura NOT GUILTY YV Harry Tornatta restaurant keeper who Monday night Shot' Fred Groenln-ger pleaded not guilty' In the city Wednesday to a charge of Shooting with intent and the case waa set May I Hla bond waa fixed at $1000 It la signed by Henry Wlm-berg Attorney Witten broker appeared for Torpatte 1 DR BIRTHDAY -CELEBRATED BY A V1- When Rev Galser was on hla way from hla home on First avenue to the meeting of the Indiana Presbytery on Tuesday evening he was waylald by admiring comrades of Farragut post of the Gb A and taken back home where a celebration of hla birthday an nlvenary followed the merrTSEmlns I -a Guaranteed to eonta(i JtoflneiP twrt coal Pepsin Bismuth Magnesia GmJ ger and other stomach renovating linw? gredlenta ei Money-back coupon -In every 1 Every drugglst sella them lfejknT 1 5c s- I1' '-Vl men were accepted by I want to try them before buying Just the Smarmy Wednesday and will be drop a line to the Make-Man Tablet sent to Jefferson Barracks Thursday: Col Maka-Man Bldgv Dept 13' Chl James Wade 11 years old Rome cago RL and they will send you a Ga John Lb Wade Si years old Rome I trial treatment absolutely free Oa: John A Leach 98 years old 109 I Bold and recommended by all lead-Llncoln avenue and Dewitt Anck- lng druggists jmd Bomm Drug drug ending With a luncheon Smd by Galser who was let Into the secret of Td Mueo-Tons is a the surprise Galser la chaplain of the local post whose members began last year to recognise and remember 1 the birthday of their pomradea derful appetiser digestive aid and builder Its good effects are felt from the very first does It of tho largest and moat selling medldnea that 77 of Levi 'and save 2(i per -ehf THE LEVI DEPARTMENT 8TOjit 60 607 509 Fulton averine vj' "If -you buy of you s-'- pleased -Thursday effiB if' 'L1' er 10 Upper Second street SOCIAL FOR HOSPITAL I vBOful will Se given Harpole $14 Adame avenue I MUV by the aodal division or the Deaconess Hospital and lunch will be A DIVORCED waa divorced from I Thomaa upon the ground and desertion In the Wednesday The SERVE MEALsC Vi AMuifpilope-' chvnrh aervtrur and A satisfactory -we have ever had anything to do with We know ro much of the great good that It haa 'done that we personally back it up with our reputation and money which foot ehould be ample guarantee to satisfy anybody Rnall hiumi-Tnne comes in tiro ali teT liefifUlt cento and $lDo We urge you to Jt ttJy -Remember rou eaa aliMa1: UmiD-J LAB'S benefit of the Light refreshments served from A to ADNEY GADDIS Adney Gaddis her husband of non-support Circuit court LADIES SOCIALIST CONSTITUTION OBSOLETE! INOTOW Awfl Tlpr sen tall ve Berger Boclsllat wants congress to have power to call a conetttu tlnnal convention Today he-Introdifeed a resolution pwpAslng -en -amendment to tho constitution granting that' thority nnd- characterised the cq tutldn as antiquated and Obsolete -j -Sr 1 wv- wrv 'i'- -yrr- A.
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