"Thy Flesh Consumed"should I play it or move to Doom II after " Dis"? (2025)

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  • R1: No spam, low effort, or off-topic posts.

Posts must be Doom related, and not just by the post title. Posts that have a forced or minimal connection to Doom count as low effort.

No "just beat" posts. We get it's an accomplishment to beat that Master Level or that UN run but no need to post it here.

No "who would win" posts.

No "should I buy," "should I play" or "what order do I play" posts. The answers are yes if you can afford it, yes, and in sequential order.

No AI "generated" content of any kind.

Low effort memes are only allowed on Sundays. You can check your timezone here

We'll also generally turn a blind eye when something news worthy happens, but please don't ruin our good faith.

Please consider visiting r/DankDoomMemes for 24/7 meme posting!

  • R2: No NSFL material. No porn.

This sub is rated M for Mature, not AO for Adults Only. This means no HDoom.

  • R3: No illegal content distribution.

You know how this rules works. Please don't invoke the wrath of Microsoft. We have seen it happen before on other subs for merely discussing piracy.

  • R4: Don’t be a dick, be civil.

Let people have fun, and just be nice to your fellow redditors. Do not gatekeep.

Bigotry and hateful language of any kind will not be tolerated. We have a zero tolerance policy on all hate speech.

  • R5: No cross community drama.

We don't want to hear about how a different Doom community banned you.

  • R6: No let's-plays of any caliber or video content that is surface level related.

Posts should have some depth to them, please don't settle for a puddle's depth.

Respect the staff’s authority even if there isn’t a specific rule.

Just because there isn't a rule, that doesn't grant you the ability to be a smartass about it.

Emergency / Arbitrary Rules in standing

These rules are in place due to repeated abuse from Redditors. Violating these conditions can result in escalated actions taken against the poster. They will be lifted at the discretion of the mod team if they feel it is safe to do so.

Sharing leaked content

Harassment of the Doom Movie's Actress

Doom Annihilation

Make sure to read the FAQ as well.. Moderators reserve the right to interpret the rules as they see fit if something is borderline.

Doom is a series of sci-fi action/horror games from id software, starting with Doom in 1993, and continuing with Doom3 and Doom (2016).

In Doom, you play as a space marine tasked with defeating the unleashed demonic forces of Hell, using a variety of heavy weapons and your own skill against the invading hordes. Doom codified and revolutionized First-Person Shooters, and remains one of the most influential games in the genre.

Feel free to also discuss Doom-engine games such as Heretic, Hexen, and Strife, and any others. Please tag these posts with [game name], to make them easier to distinguish.

Reminder: Please use Post flairs to help others see what kind of content you're posting.


  • /r/SnapMap - Find and share awesome SnapMap creations.
  • /r/BrutalDoom - The subreddit for one of Doom's most popular mods.
  • /r/CompetitiveDoom - For anything related to competative Doom-ing, theory, techniques, etc.
  • /r/HeXen - Dedicated subreddit for HeXen discussion.
  • /r/LetsPlay - Anything not a speedrun, walkthrough, or review may fit better here.

  • DoomWorld - The definitive Doom site for news, info, and archives.

  • idgames Archive - Doomworld mirror of the long-standing mod archive.

  • Doom Wiki - Everything you could want to know, and more.

  • Doom2.net - Classic Doom info and history.

  • DoomSDA - Speed Demos Archive

Finding/Hosting Wads


To chat with other Doomers, just get an IRC client. Doomseeker and Zdaemon clients have IRC in house. Here are some networks and channels to get you started.

Please note that the Networks below are not operated by /r/Doom mods.

- freenode #doom, #zdaemon
- Quakenet #nightmare
- EFnet #doom, #doom2, #deathmatch

DOOM Eternal

Release-Date: March 20, 2020
- Official Story Trailer
- E3 2019 Gameplay
- QuakeCon Gameplay Reveal
- Official Teaser Trailer

DOOM (2016)

- Release Date: May 13, 2016
- SnapMap Wiki
- Official Campaign Trailer
- Official Multiplayer Trailer
- "Fight Like Hell" Cinematic Trailer
- Official Launch Trailer
- Wikipedia

Ultimate Doom and Doom 2

The classics, balls-to-the-wall demon slaughtering action. Rip and tear!

Source Ports
- Chocolate Doom
- Legacy
- PrBoom / PrBoom-Plus
- ZDoom / GZDoom
- Doom Builder
- Slade 3
- /r/DoomMods
- Odamex
- Zandronum / Skulltag
- ZDaemon

Doom 3

Sci-Fi Survival Horror reboot

- Mods and Tools
- Source Code
"Thy Flesh Consumed"should I play it or move to Doom II after " Dis"? (2025)
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Article information

Author: Rubie Ullrich

Last Updated:

Views: 6151

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.